Yes – right here:

For Heat. A. Press knob –  Turn knob to icon for power source – press knob – turn knob to selection to the one you want (EL1, EL2 for electric only, Mix1 or Mix 2 for electric with LP assist. LP for LP only) – press knob to set. B. Turn knob to camper icon – press knob – turn knob to temperature setting – press knob to set. C. Press the “return” button on the left of the pad (or do nothing). DONE. That’s all there is to it.

For Hot Water turn off the heat if it is on, Then. A.  Same as above but LP is best. B.  Turn knob to thermometer icon – press knob – turn knob to desired setting (generally HOT is enough) – press knob. C. Same as above.
Actually do not use BOOST and don’t try to heat the van and water at the same time, do one or the other (explained in notes below)

That’s all there is to it. No mystery, Turn press, turn press.

Here are the heat levels you will get on each setting:

• Electric only: E1 (850 watts) = 2,900 Btu.
• Electric only: E2 (1,700 watts) = 5,800 Btu.
• Gas only: Burner in stage one: 7,500 Btu.
• Mix 1: 7,500 Btu Gas + 2900 Btu Elec = 10,400 Btu.
• Mix 2: 7,500 Btu Gas + 5800 Btu Elec = 13,300 Btu.
• Gas only: Burner in stage two: 14,300 Btu.

So gas mode puts out the most heat, but Mix 2 is a close second and only uses about 1/2 as much gas, in theory. Electric only, even in E2, only puts out 5,800 Btu, which is not really a lot, just slightly more than the standard 1,500 watt space heater or large hair dryer, but sufficient for cool weather.
When calling for a Mix mode keep in mind that the Truma brain will prioritize LP until the temperature setting is reached and then try to maintain the temp with El.  So most of the time there really will be little advantage to using a Mix mode, just use Gas or El.


You CAN use the Truma for heat even when the system is winterized and the Truma water tank has been drained without harming anything.

To use LP modes make sure the LP switches are on both inside and outside of the van.  (There is also an LP solenoid switch on the top of the Truma that needs to be on.)

To use EL modes make sure you have 120v power working in the van (if the lights are on at the microwave oven you have power).

If things are not working you will see a caution triangle at the bottom of the Truma screen.  Turn the knob to scroll to it and press the knob and an error code will be revealed.  The most common ones are a 212 code indicating an LP issue at the Truma or 45 indicating no 120v power at the Truma.  Check the FAQ’s for 212 or 45 to learn more about those issues.

Many T owners have reported a situation where the Truma fan kicks in to high gear and blows a ton of hot air throughout the van.  It’s pretty annoying.  The common element when this has occurred is that they had the Truma set for both heat and hot water and the Truma decided that it (the Truma) was overheating so it kicked into an exhaust mode to cure the problem – and sometimes throws an overheating error code, which clears once the unit has cooled down.  Simple enough to avoid having this happen – don’t run heat and hot water at the same time.